Veronika’s First Magazine Appearance for 2023

Well that was cutting it close!!! I thought that we were heading for the first year ever that Veronika was not published in a single magazine …. but UK tabloid Weekend Sport spared us that anguish and published a nice little pic from Set 381 in the Dec. 15th issue:

First Magazine Appearance in 2022

Nice to see that “Sunday Sport” is still featuring Veronika on a regular basis.

Once again they have come through with the first appearance of Veronika in a magazine / newspaper for 2022. Here’s the preview of the content published in Jan 16, 2022 issue.

Hopefully another issue will appear soon with her.

New Year Sport 2021

Well that did not take long for Veronika’s first magazine appearance in 2021 … she was predominantly featured in a 2 page layout in the UK tabloid New Year Sport:

some very nice pics from Set 381 !!!!

First Magazine Appearance of 2020!!!!

I was getting a little worried that we would not see Veronika published in a magazine in 2020, but our friends over in the UK have made sure that would not be the case. She appeared in today’s issue of Sunday Sport newspaper. Not a new pic but at least it shows that they have not forgotten about her !!!!

Veronika in Issue of Midweek Sport Oct. 4, 2017

Great news!!!! At long last, Midweek Sport has once again decided to have Veronika grace the cover of one of their issues. Here’s the preview:

Those those of you living in the UK, you have today and tomorrow to try and pickup a copy on the newsstand!!!

Here’s hoping they don’t wait too much longer before Veronika’s next cover appearance 🙂

Set 405 New Pic

Well here’s proof that “Sunday Sport” does publish a new picture of Veronika every once in a while … a brand new pic for Set 405 …. and a fantastic one at that … an extremely sexy pose of Veronika !!!!!

Here’s open that they open their archives and print a few more new pics.