Set 475 **NEW**

Well … came across another surprise recently when I bought an old German Orion calendar from 2004. The seller on eBay indicated that Veronika was featured as one on the monthly models, however he did not provide a preview picture of the page. Seeing that it was not that expensive I decided to buy it sight unseen 😉 To my shock when the calendar arrived I was graced with a brand new pic of Veronika from a Set I did not recognize. With a little investigative effort I discovered that the image was shot by Jeff Kaine and actually was a perfect companion image for one which was buried inside the eclectic collection with is Set 248. I took picture #4 from that set and combined it with the new Orion image to create new Set 475.

Here is a preview of the 2 images which make up the new set:

These were shot by Jeff Kaine in early 2001. Most of Jeff’s picture are extremely well hidden and only appear as isolated images inside magazines and calendars … very rarely have complete layouts been found of most of his material. Any help on finding additional content would be much appreciated !!!

Set 471 **NEW**

Well well … look what I found buried in yet another couple of magazines … a NEW SET. What a way to start 2017 🙂

This time however, I only managed to locate 2 individual pics in 2 separate magazines … the first in an issue of Men Only which contained a nice large image, and the second, in an issue of Mayfair buried on the last few pages of the magazine in an advert … not even as a layout image (what a shame). It took a Photoshop tag team effort between myself and a fellow super fan of Veronika’s from the forum to create a clean image for use as an index pic for this new set. I have attached the original advert here:

and the resulting 2 new pics which make up Set 471:

These pics were shot by Jeff Kaine back in 2001.

Set 470 **NEW**

Had one of those “heart attack” moments this week when one of the fans sent me a preview of images of Veronika he had found in a recent purchase of a Men Only magazine. He said that these looked like a new set. When I opened the email I was in complete shock … indeed brand new never before uncovered pics of Veronika in what now can be confirmed as being additional images to accompany the one lone “dog collar” pic which was part of Set 248. Here’s the preview of the new Set 470:


These were shot by Jeff Kaine in early 2001.

What I find the hardest to believe is that NO ONE found these before just this past week. Again reiterates my comments about PLEASE check any and all mags you might still have lying around. You never know what you will uncover!!!

Unknown Veronika Photo taken by Jeff Kaine

I recently came across this individual pic in the issue of The Best of Men Only No. 4 … an unknown pic of Veronika from what clearly appears to be from the Jeff Kaine photo shoot in early 2001.

Men Only  (The Best of No 4) - Final for Forum

The image itself was surrounded by text in the magazine as it was part of the editorial page and not a real layout … I managed to extract the pic and add to the background from one of the pics from Set 248.

I wish I knew how to get in contact with whoever owns Jeff Kaine’s portfolio now, seeing that he passed away several years ago. I would love to see what other goodies Jeff took of Veronika … since so many individual and eclectic pics have surfaced over the years from Jeff that there must be literally thousands of pics waiting to be discovered. It would be tragic to see these lost forever.

Any help to get in contact with Jeff’s estate would be much appreciated 🙂

New Pic for Set 134

I recently discovered this new pic for Set 134 in a collection of old newspaper clippings of Veronika I had found for sale on ebay. When I received the clippings I noticed that the seller had written the source / date of the clipping onto the back of each of the photos. In this case it came from the May 21, 2001 issue of Sunday Sport. I know that Veronika was and still is being published quite heavily in the Sunday / Midweek Sport newspapers however thought it had only started in earnest around of the 2009 timeframe. This is good news, however, now wonder how we will ever uncover any earlier appearances !!!! If anyone has any older issues they would be willing to share please drop us an email!!!

Did a bit of Photoshop magic to extract the pic from the ad in which it was originally printed and superimposed it over top a background from the set.

Sunday Sport May 27, 2001 - Final for Set

Was originally shot by Jeff Kaine back in 2001.