Came across this interesting book I thought I would share. The book is called:
“come in! The Best of Onno Klein”.
Onno Klein worked with Veronika only once back in 2001 for an assignment for Penthouse in the Netherlands which was featured in the Feb. 2002 Dutch Penthouse issue (). I recently got a hold of Onno and asked him about this photoshoot. He said that he had worked a couple of days with Veronika in Amsterdam for this shoot. Turns out that Penthouse only published 18 pics from those 2 days of shooting. I asked him whether anymore were published that he knew of … he told me “of course” … in my Best of Onno Klein book. I said WOW, I will need to find myself a copy … was pretty easy to find on Amazon etc .. so picked up a copy. The book contained an additional 14 pics from Sets 221 and 227. The cover and preview is below:

Onno did say that he shot many other outfits in those 2 days. A brief preview was published in the Penthouse Feb 2002 issue, but wish more were published, but have never found any yet other that one cover on a “Tequila” magazine and on the cover of Veronika’s one and only CD.