Veronika featured in Mar 2022 Issue of Dynamit

Once again German magazine Dynamit comes through and features Veronika in nice 10 page 12 pic layout from Set 011. This is the first full magazine layout in which Veronika was published in 2022.

I love the text introducing this layout … it really sums up Veronika:

Translated into English:

Can you resist these eyes, these lips, these beautiful natural breasts and wondrous figure? She is our undisputed top model of all time. Veronika is temptation and sin, innocence and passion, sensuality and a love drug all wrapped in one person. This is why we always wanted to see new poses of her. In the meantime, the now 45 year old has retired. These photos are an impressive example of Italian erotic photography. Pictures of a Super-Diva.”

So true !!!! Could not have said it better myself 🙂

They even got her age almost correct 😉

Magazine Total Reaches 900 !!!!

Today marks a significant milestone for the magazine collection here at … the list of magazines in which Veronika was published passed the 900 issues mark. In fact the current count sits at 922 with those added this month. Hard to believe that just a few years ago I was thinking that when I had reached 200 I had found them all .. how wrong I was 😉 At this point I have no doubt that the 1000th magazine will be uncovered in the not too distant future … just need to keep searching.

It has to be said that Veronika Zemanova was one of the most prolifically published models of all time … still “headlined” in magazines to this day even though she has been retired approaching 7 years now … a statement for sure to her timeless beauty.

Below you will find Veronika’s first and most recent magazine appearances spanning a total of 19 years. Her first confirmed appearance was in an issue of German magazine “Das Neue Wochenend” from back in Sept. 1997 … I would love to be proven wrong and have someone come forward with an even earlier magazine appearance. Most recently she was featured in an issue of German magazine “Dynamit” which has been a long time fan of featuring her between their covers.

Veronika Zemanova's Earliest Magazine Appearance found to date in an issue of the German magazine "Das Neue Wochenend" from Sept. 1997
Veronika Zemanova’s Earliest Magazine Appearance found to date in an issue of the German magazine “Das Neue Wochenend” from Sept. 1997

Veronika's most recent magazine appearance in an issue of German Dynamit magazine from Mar. 2016
Veronika’s most recent magazine appearance in an issue of German Dynamit magazine from Mar. 2016

Here’s hoping for many more in the years to come !!!!

Veronika in Dynamit 3/2016 Issue

Well for our German friends … time to still pickup the March 2016 issue of Dynamit magazine on the newsstands in Germany … Veronika appears once again in an issue of Dynamit … this time for Set 005.

Here’s the preview:

2016-03 - DYNAMIT MÄRZ 2016

This layout appears to be identical to that printed in the April 2009 issue … I certainly hope that they have added some extra pics … will let you know once my copy of this recent issue arrives in the mail.

This photo shoot was shot by Stefano Santori in early 2001. It was one of only 2 sets he shot of Veronika after her first set of implants.

Dynamit Jan. 2014

Jan 2014 marked the 25th anniversary of the German magazine Dynamit. In commemoration of that milestone, they published a special issue looking back at the models which have graced their publication over all those years. Veronika of course was one of the featured models having appeared in their magazine close to 20 times. The photo they used was shot by the 2 Italian photographers of Roberto Rocchi and Franco Marocco and was initially featured in the June 2000 issue of Dynamit. Here’s a preview:

2014-01 - Dynamit Jan 2014

Veronika in Dynamit July 2013

Well, Veronika continues to grace the covers of the German magazine Dynamit. This is the second cover this year, making it 17 appearances in total for Veronika in that magazine since her first appearance in Feb. 2000.

I know that Dynamit only ever publishes sets from photographer Stefano Santori of Veronika… if you look closely at the cover pic, Veronika appears to be wearing black underwear with little studs all along the edges …. I hope that this has not just been Photoshopped in place by Dynamit for the cover pic …. because if not, I do not recognize a set photographed by Santori where she wore such lingerie …. a new set perhaps???

Dynamit July 2013

Special Dynamit Issue Arrives

The special issue of Dynamit magazine (2/2013) with a focus on Veronika has finally arrived on German newsstands … grab it while it’s hot !!!! Have ordered a copy. Can’t wait to see the layout inside 🙂
