I received an anonymous email from a fan the other day claiming that they had found a “new” candid photo of Veronika taken recently on Ibiza …. since I had no way of contacting them I figured that I would set the record straight about that photo here on the blog in hopes that they would see my response …
The photo sent was actually from Set 400 shot back in May 2009 in Cape Town and not Ibiza. Veronika had posted these on her own Blog on May 18, 2009. I have attached the pics below and Veronika’s own account of those photos from her blog ….

Remember that I wrote in one of my latest blogs about my new camera? With it I did some test pictures on my Sunday time-out with my husband and dogs Lara, Lenka and Muffin. For the ones that did not read all my blogs I am spending some time in Cape Town, South Africa. The photos that I want to share with you, I took in the countryside around Cape Town and many are taken on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world – Long Beach – that is near to the village called Noordhoek, close to Cape Town. I tried to capture the feeling of freedom, space and peace, and with people, dogs and children all running freely in the harmony. Everyone there enjoyed themselves. Where in the world can you still see that?
There are two pictures of me, which my husband took just from far away so my figure is very small there, I was not wearing any make-up so I did not allow him to take anymore nearer to me – sorry!
The weather here starts to be going into winter and I finished all I wanted to achieve here so I am thinking about going back to Ibiza in Spain.
I love the comment about the lack of make-up … what is Veronika worried about, she still looks absolutely freakin gorgeous!!!!
Whoever you were who sent me the photo … thanks anyway. Am glad you did 🙂