I finally managed to upload all the magazines currently in my collection up to the Magazine Appearances section of the website this week. I had fallen several hundreds of issues behind over the years and never seemed to find the time to catchup. Well this month I finally made the time 🙂
As of July 2018 the collection consists of a staggering 1164 magazines. I still remember when I started on the magazine collection journey thinking when I get to 200 mags that would be it … to my astonishment the mags featuring Veronika kept coming and coming … if you had asked me when I started that I would break through the 1000 barrier I would have said that you are crazy 😉 In any case, magazines continue to be uncovered on a monthly basis even after all these years. The tide just never seems to end for which I am happy to be honest (a little poorer of course … but happy none the less).
Anyway .. after all these years of collecting and searching there are a set of magazines which I have never ever come across for sale anywhere … I call these my “Magazine Wish List”. It used to be much larger but these ones have been extremely elusive:

For anyone who reads this and happens to have one of these issues please drop me an email … I would love to know that these are not just figments of my imagination.