Old Aktuell Rapport Magazine

Just like the previous blog post, I came across yet another unknown issue of the Swedish version of magazine Aktuell Rapport on ebay. I really can’t believe that no one had ever come across this magazine before seeing that this issue was from 1999!

In any case, it has by far one of the best cover appearances of Veronika that I have ever seen … the contents are nothing to sneeze at either 😉 Like all of Veronika Zemanova’s other Aktuell Rapport magazine appearances uncovered to date, this one was no different and did not disappoint … with virtually every pic inside the magazine having “never been seen before”. I guess Aktuell Rapport had always negotiated for some exclusive content.

Aktuell Rapport Nr 43 (Oct 21, 1999)

I wonder what other Aktuell Rapport issues are still out there to be uncovered 🙂 I know of at least one more I have yet to find a copy of (Issue No. 20 from 2004):

Aktuell Rapport No 20 (2004) - Cover

If anyone has this or any other issue, then please let me know!!!

“Aktuell Rapport” was published and is copyright of Tre-mag Sweden AB

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