Set 124 Deluxe Released @ Actiongirls released April 24th 2013

Hi Fellow Veronika Zemanova fans. Have some news that Actiongirls released another deluxe edition set 124 they are calling it Bar set. The sizes are nice but none replace the index versions. For the normal style, her skin looks airbrushed and glossy and looks not like the original release. However these styles are not as horrible as the other releases. I just wished he would just release larger images and shouldn’t mess with the goddess Veronika’s photos. If he wished to add styles at least add an original one to them as well. This pleases hardcore fans of Veronika as well as your artistic Style.

For Full releases go to Actiongirls to join.

I decided to upload three resized versions. If you wish for full size go join actiongirls for actual releases

Normal Index Version

veronicazemanovaalcohol105Normal Deluxe Version

actiongirlszemanovadeluxenormallook0105Style Deluxe Version



Set 002 Deluxe Set released @Actiongirls

Got some more news from actiongirls. They released another deluxe edition of set 002 Fireplace.. They released two versions one normal and one style but normal does not mean better photos for the index am afraid. Its larger size but alot of photos are missing plus a huge line on a majority of the pix. Plus one photo is missing in the style one only 89 pix while the normal has 90 pix. Says it was released March 29th but thats not true it was added today April 4th 2013. Its not worth joining.. If you wish to join

Normal Deluxe Edition

AG Zemanova Fireplace NormalStyle Deluxe Edition

AG Zemanova Fireplace Style






Actiongirls Web Posters Series 5– Released on 3/27/2013

Hello  fellow Veronika Zemanova fans… Tobey here with some news. This time around actiongirls released the Web Posters 5.. However not much Veronika photos posted in this gallery and is not worth waiting around for this huge file to download completely. Its about over 200mb file but only has about 22mb of Veronika photos. However if you are a big VZ collector then visit actiongirls for the full release…





Tom Millea Original on sale @ Ebay

Hey Fellow VZ fans. I did some searching on ebay and found this listing of an original Tom Millea “platinum” print (Set 215 on the VZ index). The starting bid is for $499.99. See the pic which was attached along with the bid below:

Tom Millea Platinum Print of Veronika

“Update — See reply by t-man for a link to Tom Millea’s” wesbite and a description of the “platinum printing process”

Set 272 Deluxe Set released @ Actiongirls

Hey Fellow VZ fans been awhile since i wrote a blog entry. I have some bad news about the recent Actiongirls update. They recently posted a deluxe 2 versions of Set 272. It has a nice large size but no new photos and no updates to the index. The versions don’t replace anything. The versions are called Deluxe Normal and Deluxe Style all large size photos.

You can view the originals here

Deluxe Normal


Deluxe Style




Actiongirls Web Posters

Hey Fellow VZ fans. Thought id make another blog posting about our favorite Veronika Zemanova. First off Actiongirls recently updated a gallery containing Veronika photos…the web posters series. These photos have special effects to them. If you like special effects in photos or just want some more VZ photos then you can join actiongirls. Also go to actiongirls for full sets of Veronika as well.



Here is a sample photo of the recent update


Join Actiongirls for full released versions –

Thanks Tobey-

Perfect 10 Releases

Hey fellow VZ fans, Tobey here. Perfect 10 released some different versions of photos already in the index. Sets 28 update for photo 62 and a New image. Also Set 32 photo 12 released but does not look like a better photo then index photo. Also set 44 photos 8,10,14 and 29. Also for set 55 photos 4,7,10,12 and 21 none seemed to be better then index.

Have attached a preview of the Set 28 pics:

Set 28 update photo 62


Also the brand New Photo


All the new pics can be found at Perfect10’s Website

All photos in this new release taken by J.Stephen Hicks!!!!

New Set 35 Pics

Well looks like Jana Krenova has dug through her archives and released 15 new / improved resolution pics for Set 035. Here’s a sample of one of the free previews she has posted on her site:


Jana worked with Veronika a grand total of 22 times early in her career making her one of the photographers that Veronika worked the most with during her career. I just hope that Jana opens up her vault and releases more new “old” goodies in the future.

To buy the rest check here at

Jana had previously posted 2 additional sets for purchase … Sets 60 and 143 :
