800th Magazine Found

I realize that I mentioned this in this month’s “Update” message but felt that it was worth repeating here on the blog as well ….

This past month the 800th magazine was found and added to the collection. Fittingly enough the 800th was a magazine I had been searching for for well over 7 years and finally managed to find a copy just this past month:

Whitehouse Issue No 261

I remember back when the first 200 were found thinking I must have found all the magazines in which Veronika made an appearance by now … how wrong I was!!!! At this point, I really don’t know what the final tally will eventually be … all that I can say is that Veronika was certainly one of the most prolifically published models of all time given the number of magazines found to date.

So far I have added 695 to the website and appear in the Magazine Appearances section. For reference, the full listing of all magazines appearances can be found in the following PDF entitled: “Veronika Zemanova Magazine Listing”.

How many total magazines Veronika was published in is still a mystery, as new ones continue to be uncovered every month, so who knows what the final tally eventually will be. If you know of any additional magazines not listed here then please contact me with the details or post some details here on the blog.

2 Replies to “800th Magazine Found”

  1. dnes som prvý raz videl tvoje video 🙂 ….prepáč, že nie skorej, nejak som na teba nenatrafil 🙂 ….doteraz neverím vlastným očiam, že taká žena existuje, dokonalosť sama…nemyslim teraz sexi postavu, to má už hocikto, myslím celkovo…tvár, oči, pery, tak milo a nežne vyzerajúca žena 😀 …predpokladám, že to počúvaš často, tak už len dodatočne zagratulujem k tvojim nedávnym narodeninkám, veľa šťastia, zdravia, lásky a pokoja, a veľa penazí za málo roboty, a ak sa stále venuješ nakrúcaniu, tak prajem svalnatých feši chlapov …nech sa darí Veronička 🙂

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