Recent Fan Contributions

I want to send out a special thanks to a couple of long time fans who emailed some new Veronika content to include in the index …

The first thanks goes to BenH … a frequent commentor here on the blog … he sent me a brand new magazine cover which I had never seen before:

Fetish Vol 1 No 3 - Blog

And the second is an example of some phenomenal work done by Javier who’s Photoshop skills are second to none … extracting images from magazine covers to create new index pics. Here’s just one recent example of his work ….

Set 140 Extract for Blog

Thanks again guys for your contributions … I certainly appreciate your efforts and know that all the other Veronika fans out there do as well !!!! Keep up the great work and if you have something new you feel should be added to the index them please contact me with the details. I always love to hear from fellow Veronika fans.

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